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Varian medical systems are the leading supplier of Linac Accelerators for the treatment of cancer patients. To provide backup service and commissioning on the cooling systems for the Linac machines, Varian have chosen Refcool.
The clinical environment in which these machines operate demands reliability of service and performance. Varian, in turn, require a trouble free efficient maintenance service across the UK and Ireland, so they can concentrate on supporting the Linac Accelerators. Refcool Refrigeration provides this service through a flexible bespoke contract agreement. We are proud to be a supplier to Varian Medical Systems. |
Cooling systems for Scanners and Oncology Equipment The Brief:
To provide precisely controlled cooling water to a Linear Accelerator, used in the daily treatment of cancers. Key to this application is the need to provide cooling efficiently and reliably such that patient treatment is continuous without downtime. In order to schedule continuous patient appointments, hospitals demand the utmost reliability. Working closely with the leading manufacturer of Linear Accelerators, we developed a combined standard air cooled chiller with an air blast cooler to create a “hybrid chiller” solution incorporating standard refrigeration with free cooling. This new design enables the unit to optimise the manner of cooling based on the ambient conditions, greatly reducing energy consumption, and reducing the hospital’s carbon footprint. |